Firm Registration and Annual Renewal
Nevada Business License
Every business entity planning to do business in the State of Nevada, must obtain a Nevada State Business License. If you have not yet obtained a Nevada State Business License, please go to Nevada’s business portal, Silverflume. Also, please see Business Name Authorization below.Initial Firm Registration
Before a business entity can offer or provide engineering or land surveying services in Nevada, it must register with the Nevada Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. The business entity must employ a Nevada licensed professional before submitting a Firm Registration form. The annual fee for Firm Registration is $50.00. A Natural Person (example: someone doing business as John Doe, PE), who is licensed by the Nevada board, is not required to register as a firm with the board before providing services. To register a firm, complete the form (button below), and email it to After we receive the completed Firm Registration form, we will send you an email acknowledgement with an assigned Nevada board Company ID # and a link to submit registration payment online. You may also mail a check with your completed registration form. Instructions are included on the form.After making your registration payment online, a Certificate of Registration will be automatically emailed to the contact person listed on the form.
Annual Firm Renewal
A firm’s Certificate of Registration is valid for one year and requires annual renewal. You may renew your firm registration online (button below).
You may also mail a check with your completed firm renewal form. Instructions are included on the form.