1755 E Plumb Lane Suite 258, Reno, NV 89502


Complaint Process Overview

In addition to issuing and administering licenses, certifications, and firm registrations in Nevada, the Board investigates alleged violations of Chapter 625 of Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), which govern the practice of professional engineering and land surveying in the state. Some of the potential violations may include gross negligence, incompetency or misconduct in engineering or land surveying, failure to adhere to professional standards or code of conduct, and unlicensed practices of engineering or land surveying.

Anyone can file a complaint against an engineer, land surveyor, or firm.

To file a complaint, download and complete the complaint form and email it to the Board.

Complaint Instructions

Please fill out the form as completely as possible and include a detailed explanation of your complaint. Attach copies of contracts, plans, reports, correspondence, or any other documents that support your complaint. In order for the Board to process your complaint, we must know the “who, what, when, where, how, and why”. Provide as much information as you can, including the names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers of everyone involved—including public entities. The Board’s jurisdiction extends only to violations of the provisions in NRS and NAC 625. We cannot intervene in personal disputes or act as a mediation service. Email the completed form and supporting documents to board@nvbpels.nv.gov or mail to:
Nevada Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors 1755 E Plumb Lane, Suite 258 Reno, NV 89502
If you have questions, please contact board staff at board@nvbpels.nv.gov  or 775.688.1231

How are complaints handled?

The Board has adopted and adheres to Rules of Practice that guide our complaint process. Click here to read the Rules of Practice.

When the Board receives a complaint, we first review the evidence provided and determine if it is sufficient to support the alleged violation(s).

If we find the evidence is sufficient to support an alleged violation, we will open a formal investigation and assign it to staff. We may contact the person filing the complaint (Complainant) and the person against whom the complaint is made (Respondent) for clarification or to provide additional information.

The facts and evidence will be carefully and thoroughly vetted, and communications with the Complainant and Respondent will be ongoing.

When the initial investigation is complete, staff will provide a draft summary to the Executive Director with recommendations on how to proceed. The Executive Director and a Board Liaison will review the summary and consider the recommendations and make an initial determination on possible disciplinary action or dismissal.

What happens next?

If no evidence of a violation is found, the matter will be dismissed, and the Complainant and Respondent will be notified of such.

If a possible violation has been found, Board counsel will be consulted to pursue the complaint and there are two possible paths to resolution:

  1. A Stipulated Agreement is drafted and sent to Respondent. If Respondent accepts the proposed stipulated agreement, it will be submitted to the Board for consideration.
  2. The matter may go to Formal Disciplinary Complaint Hearing, and a hearing date will be set for the complaint to be considered by the Board at a public meeting.

In either case, the final decision will be rendered and recorded, and if disciplinary action is taken, the sanctions against the Respondent will become a public record and reported to the national database maintained by NCEES.