The Purpose of the Nevada Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
The Nevada State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors was created in 1935 to regulate the professions of engineering and land surveying. Its members are appointed by the Nevada Governor in accordance with Nevada Revised Statute 625.100.
The Board meets every two months to carry out its business, including the review and approval of applications for licensing professional engineers and land surveyors. These meetings are alternately scheduled in Reno and Las Vegas during the odd-numbered months. One meeting a year may be held in a rural Nevada town.
In accordance with Nevada’s Open Meeting Law, all agenda items and completed applications must be submitted to the Board 30 days prior to the meeting date to be included in an upcoming meeting agenda.
Please feel free to provide us feedback regarding our website or suggestions you might have for the Board to better serve the public and its licensees.