1755 E Plumb Lane Suite 258, Reno, NV 89502

Proposed Regulatory Amendments and Small Business Impact Survey Results – October 2023

Proposed Regulatory Amendments and Small Business Impact Survey Results – October 2023

Thank you for your feedback!

To review the proposed changes, survey results and the Small Business Impact Statement, click the links below.

The fifteen (15) regulations proposed for change relate to:

Code of Conduct
NAC 625.545  Written contract required for each client.

General Provisions Relating to the Practice of Land Surveying
NAC 625.655  Applicability of statutes and regulations.
NAC 625.666  Positional certainty: Horizontal and vertical components of certain land surveys.

Land Boundary Surveys
NAC 625.670  Required research, identifications, measurements and computations.
NAC 625.680  Disagreements concerning measurements or positions of monumented corners.
NAC 625.700  Report to client of discrepancies concerning boundary lines.
NAC 625.710  Identification and description of monuments.
NAC 625.720  Drawing of survey; certification.
NAC 625.740  Classifications of surveys; use of classifications and requirements for positional certainty.

Construction Surveys
NAC 625.760  Contract drawings and specifications; special instructions.
NAC 625.770  Verification of location of certain points; notification of insufficient dimensions or details.
NAC 625.775  Positional certainties for marking locations of proposed fixed works.
NAC 625.780  Sketches, cut sheets and field notes.

Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to the Practice of Land Surveying
NAC 625.790  Preparation of legal description of property.

Reviewing proposed changes

The regulations proposed for change can be viewed by clicking the gold button below below. After clicking the button you will see a brief narrative explaining the proposed changes, followed by the regulation showing the proposed changes.

In the regulations, text additions are shown in blue italics and deletions are shown in red strikethrough.

After reviewing the regulations, please click the blue button below to complete the survey.