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NVBPELS Calendar

Common Mistakes in Design of Projects on Coastal Erosion & Sedimentation

Since the Clean Water Act was signed into law in 1972, site developers have been held responsible for preventing sediment discharges to adjacent waterways and property.

Driven by this landmark legislation and enforcement, innovative best management practices and technology have evolved rapidly.  Design and construction professionals now can draw from a very deep and diverse set of tools for total site management.

During this session attendees can expect to be brought up to date on this evolution and gain a deeper understanding of the products and practices available in an ever-growing toolbox for sediment control on active jobsites.

Satisfies 1 PDHs.

Register at https://www.nspe.org/resources/pe-institute/live-educational-events/engineers-sediment-control-toolbox-active-jobsites-0.